The Golden Ratio

“The golden ratio is the golden thread that weaves its way through the tapestry of creation, uniting diverse and contrasting elements into a harmonious whole”

Jonathan Quinton.


The symbolism of the Golden Ratio

Nutritional Therapy is about bringing the body back into balance for a chance to flourish and thrive.

My logo represents The Golden Ratio or Fibonacci sequence, which for centuries has represented perfect harmony and balance and, its repeated ratio is reflected throughout nature from spiral galaxies to shells, plants through to the smallest DNA.  Even a heart beating in resonance beats in the Phi rhythm of the Golden Ratio.

I find this fascinating that the Golden Ratio is a fundamental law in nature’s design and that all shape and structure within nature arises to facilitate energy flow and life.  Modern life with its 24/7 on switch seems to be moving us further away from nature’s intended circadian rhythm.  When we learn to bring the body back into resonance with nature and our heart rate variability follows the Golden Ratio, the heart’s coherence creates an environment within the body for energy to flow and health to prevail.  The heart has nine times as many neurons running from the heart to the brain than the brain to the heart so surely supporting and learning to heal our heart and bring balance back into our lives is a good place to start our journey back to health. 

When we work together, my intention is to provide you and your family with a space to explore and build a sustainable lifestyle within the Golden Ratio.  I believe if we can remember how to live in a balanced, connected and community-led way, there is much to be hopeful for.