Nutritional Alchemy

My role isn’t to treat disease or pathology. It is to support and empower you, the individual, to make key dietary and lifestyle changes that have a powerful impact on the body. The aim is to bring your body back into balance, for long lasting change and a chance to thrive.

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” Hippocrates

The Alchemical Magic of

Nutritional Therapy, Quantum Health and Medical Intuition

I strongly believe that your body is always supporting you, even when you feel it’s letting you down.

I see your body as an extension of your environment, its own ecosystem which is engineered to work in sync with Nature. You are the most incredible feat of engineering with every cell, tissue and organ coherently communicating with each other in a carefully orchestrated symphony creating resonance and balance so you can thrive. 

The most potent and life changing transformations come from combining the alchemical ingredients of Quantum Health, Medical Intuition and Nutritional Therapy.

As a Medical Intuitive, I read the physical body, metaphysical energetic anatomy and soul. I translate what is being held in your physical and energetic body and identify where you most need support. This may also uncover unconscious limiting beliefs and addictive patterns affecting your health. This reading together with my understanding of Quantum Health and an intensive Nutritional Therapy fact finding mission means I have a deep understanding of your physical and metaphysical health.

I have a whole host of support tools to help us clear what is coming up for you and I will draw on my nutritional expertise to support any nutrient imbalances found. As we begin to uncover the root causes of your illness or imbalance, I may recommend further testing or refer you back to your medical practitioner or other complementary therapist.  My aim is to restore coherence within the body, bringing the physical, emotional and spiritual body back into resonance and vitality. Healing is a continuous journey. The work we do together will empower you to have the knowledge and tools for greater resilience and a clear strategy for a way forward.

How I see the body…

I like to imagine the body as a tree and each of its branches are the systems – the immune system, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system, the muscular system, the nervous system and so on. The leaves, fruit and branches of the tree are all nourished by the roots and these roots are fed by the soil. 

Nutritional Alchemy aims to discover the root cause of imbalances and symptoms within the body.

To nourish the tree, we require a good fertile soil full of healthy bacteria and minerals, we need sunlight and good quality water – as do we.  I believe if you remember how to sync with the rhythms of Nature - her seasons, day and night cycle, and your own hormonal rhythms you will gain a deeper understanding of your body. You will begin translating and responding to the language of your body. To hear its wisdom and intuitive guidance. When you remember how to cycle with Nature, and make informed nutritional choices you will see a direct impact on your physical, emotional and spiritual health. With the right personalised support, the body will bring itself back into balance.  

My hope is that you leave my clinic empowered to live in a sustainable manner that supports your body’s unique blueprint. 

However complicated yours or your child’s symptoms are, Nutritional Alchemy will inspire you and your family to reclaim your health. Like that seed full of potential, it will crack open into the light to flourish and grow along its highest path of potential.

 “For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”

— Cynthia Occell

Areas I specialise in…

  • Children’s Health (babies to teenagers).

  • Digestive Health (Microbiome imbalance, food intolerance, reflux).

  • Immune support.

  • Detoxification.

  • Long-Covid.

  • Skin Health/Teenage acne.

  • Weight Management.

  • Neurodiversity (biomedical and nutritional imbalances underlying ADHD, ASD).

  • Blood Sugar Management.

  • Sleep support.

  • Balancing Hormones.

  • Fertility, Prenatal and Postnatal support.

  • Perimenopause and Menopausal support.

  • Adrenal and Thyroid support.


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